Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Razor House , La Jolla, Ca

San Diego Pool Tile Cleaning recently had the pleasure of cleaning the pool at the Razor House.
This pool presented some challenges that most other pools don't.

This pool is obviously very large, with a monster zero edge spill wall.

 This pool is also situated on the bluff overlooking Blacks Beach, so access was very limited.

Due to the fact that it is right above the beach, we had to capture and filter all of our "byproducts" of cleaning. To accomplish this, we spent a little time in the wood shop designing and building a "clean out" station. This was a fun challenge to overcome, and it's the stuff like this that separates us from the "Johnny Come Lately", "Joe Sixpack", that says, "I clean tile now too".

The wall was 12 feet high at the tallest, so bringing in a portable scaffolding worked really well.

 The size of this pool required multiple machines with long hoses, and because we use mineral based media, we could only clean what we could clean up each day. You can't leave the mineral media overnight or it will turn to concrete🙄

 This pool had small black tile with black grout, tough to clean.

It also had several areas that were damaged due to the previous owners work with a pumice stone. DON"T USE A PUMICE STONE!

We have a really good crew and I was very proud of these guys. This pool fought us the whole way through.

It was pleasure put a little life back into this pool, and the view at the end of the day wasn't bad either.
Some sparkling water and a sunset? C'mon

The customer was very happy with the results.

If you have a pool that needs a little love, call us 760-721-3037, or go online, We don't do much social media, so the web is the best place to find us.
We cater to the discerning client that appreciates quality. Call or submit an online estimate at, and we will discuss your options 

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